Do you know if you’re a Red Flag? Take this 13 question quiz to find out now.
It’s time to get real. I know, human instinct says to blame the other person, but when we take a second to reflect we can make improvements to become better lovers. Red Flags can be detrimental and if accountability isn’t taken, the risk of bad cycles continue. And while no one is perfect, those who lean toward the green flag take the time to reflect and make the effort to do better. This quiz takes a look at your communication styles and what if scenarios.
Red flags can vary from small things that are deal breakers and icks to larger things that can be draining and overwhelming. We covered some major red flags on Ardentley that we believe shouldn’t be avoided. Often times we can be clouded by someone’s red flags and need a little help taking off the rose colored glasses. Check out these 6 Red Flags.
Please be advised – this test will NOT include any questions that suggest predatory/physically dangerous behaviors and instead leans more toward communication styles and what if scenarios. If you or someone you know is in a dangerous situation you can contact these hotline -U.S National Domestic Violence 800-799-7233/SMS: Text START to 88788. U.S National Sexual Assualt Hotline 1-800-656-4673